Wherever you are in your faith journey,
we are here to help you take your next step

We all have a next step to take.  Whether yours is visiting a church, being baptized, or committing to use your gifts and talents to serve, we are here to help you connect in a meaningful way!

What's Your Next Step?

Follow Jesus

If you've never fully committed your life to Jesus, you can do that right now.

Get Baptized

The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to Christ. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their dedication to Christ.

Join The Village

  • If you have confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and God; committing your life to Him; and you believe that He rose from the grave, you are eligible to join the Village! (Romans 10:9-13)
  • Baptism by immersion is required for membership. This does not "save" you, but it is required as a step of public obedience and proclamation of your faith.
Come forward during the altar call near the end of service, or talk to a staff member near the stage or in the next steps area right after service ends. A next steps Team Member will assist you in completing the simple membership process.
Contact us to talk to a pastor about joining The Village online. 

Join a Life Group

Life Groups  are small groups within The Village Baptist Church that help you connect with Christ and His Family. In a Life Group, you will find a community of people that will study as well as apply the Bible in real life. Your Life Group will encourage members to live each day in passionate obedience to Christ. In short, Life Groups "do life together."

Find a Place to Serve

We believe serving in the church is both a privilege and an act of worship. Through volunteering, we are able to fellowship with our church family, grow spiritually, and help others connect to Jesus and one another.