ALL for HIM is a discipleship journey to expand our generosity and service. The goal is 100% participation and to raise $11.5 Million over the next two years. The total cost of the project will be around $20 Million.
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” Psalm 115:1



A Time of Remarkable Growth and Blessing
Over the past two years, VBC has experienced extraordinary growth that is impacting our community. We are excited to celebrate the move of The Lord among us.

These are not just numbers, but they represent lives being touched, hearts being transformed, and a community coming together in faith and love. We are profoundly grateful for these blessings, but with these blessings comes the obligation to provide space for each generation. If we don't, it will hinder us significantly in future ministry opportunities.
Let’s celebrate the move of the Lord and look forward to even greater days ahead.
Let’s celebrate the move of the Lord and look forward to even greater days ahead.

What is H.I.M.?
It is a discipleship journey that expands our generosity and service at The Village Baptist Church. HIM is a Gospel-centered initiative calling us to give more sacrificially to advance our mission together. It will enable us to pay a portion of the building costs for our new facility and take advantage of the unique position, momentum, and future opportunities God has called us to prepare for as a church.
What is a one-fund initiative?
We believe that it's all one mission that we're on at VBC...the Great Commission, so our gifts during the ALL for HIM initiative will go into one fund for this season of ministry expansion - allowing us to celebrate the totality of our generosity growth as disciples of Jesus.
These three components include:
Click here for more information on the one-fund initiative!
These three components include:
- Our ongoing ministries (Hold fast to the Great Commission)
- Our new building initiatives (Invest in all generations)
- Our mission endeavors both locally and globally (Make Him known)
Click here for more information on the one-fund initiative!
How much should I give?
That is between you and God. The point of ALL for HIM is 100 % participation as the Lord moves us all toward our next steps of generosity. The goal is not to secure donors but to build disciples.
How do I decide how much to give?
The best way to determine how much to give is through prayer. After taking time each day to pray and study Scripture, we believe you will decide on a direction that fully honors God.
Does the church have funds available?
Yes, up to $1 million is available for deferred maintenance and new construction.
Has the church body been informed?
Yes, In the fall of 2023, a steering team began to meet with our master planning partners. In January of 2024, Focus groups began meeting with our partners to determine needs. This fall, the steering team will formally recommend moving forward with construction.
How much will the building cost?
The initial phases will cost approximately $14-$15 million. The subsequent phase will cost roughly $5 million.
Have we pursued lending in the past?
In 2006 we had notes of nearly $10 million dollars. Today those loans are fully paid. Taking inflation into account, that would be $16.5 million dollars today.
Will we be getting a loan?
Yes, lending will be a tool to prevent projects from stopping once they have started. As God provides through His people, we will pay off the loan as quickly and aggressively as possible.
How much can we afford monthly?
Before our Generosity Journey began, monthly reports showed we could afford a monthly payment of $60,000. ALL for HIM, and capital infusion will prove to expand that budget significantly.
Does the Bible condemn borrowing?
The Bible does not condemn borrowing but offers important guidance on the subject. The book of Proverbs clearly speaks to the dangers of indebtedness. Taking on too much risk is dangerous, but wisely leveraging debt can be a tremendous tool for maintaining project momentum. Deuteronomy 15 acknowledges that debt was a common aspect of the Israelite community and included provisions for debt forgiveness. Jesus also addresses the need for careful planning in Luke 14:28-30, advising that one should estimate the cost before committing to a project. Summary:
- Avoid letting debt become a burdensome taskmaster: Debt should not impede your progress or cause undue hardship.
- Debt is not forbidden, but repayment should be prioritized: While borrowing is permitted, managing and repaying debt responsibly is crucial.
- Enter lending relationships cautiously: Approach borrowing and lending with careful planning, wisdom, and integrity.
How will this impact VCA?
VCA will have a new covered drop-off location and its own entrance, prioritizing safety and security. Firewalls will separate VBC and VCA access. Nearly 2,000 square feet of offices and classrooms will be made available for VCA use.
When will construction begin?
In the summer of 2025, we will begin mobilizing construction.
For other questions, please email