Welcome to my village life! 

This course is designed to help you learn what you need to know about The Village before you take that important step of membership. We are excited you are here! Watch the videos below in order, and once you have completed all 6, fill out the form to let us know you have finished. You'll receive an invitation to have breakfast with the pastors. The videos are short, most are less than 10 minutes, so you are welcome to watch them all at once or spread it out to fit your schedule. 

Let's get started!

1: why should i become a member?

2: who is the village? what do we believe?

3. what does it look like to live in community?

4. why should i get involved in a ministry?

5. what does it look like to live sent?


You have made it through My Village Life seminar! Please let us know by filling out the form below. We are so excited to see how God is going to work in you and through you here at The Village.