This weekend only!
DECEMBER 9th, 10th, & 11th
6:00PM - 9:00PM

Join us for our 3rd annual Christmas Drive Thru at The Village!
Round up your crew, hop in your car, and prepare to be immersed in the sights and sounds of the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. From the safety of your own car, you will see live actors and animals, custom-made sets, and period-accurate scenery, while you listen to pre-recorded, beautiful Christmas music and narration. This year, we have added two new scenes! This event is free and designed to be enjoyed by all ages.


How long will i spend driving through?

Please plan on spending up to 20 minutes to make it through every scene.

Will there be a line to get in?

At the most popular times, we do expect there to be a line to get in. Traffic directors will be on site to assist in ensuring that traffic flows consistently and lines do not take long to get in. The shortest lines tend to be between 8:30 and 8:45. 

if i am in line at 9:00, or in the middle of the event, will i be allowed to finish?

Yes! At 9:00, we will stop allowing vehicles to get in line. However, if you are already in the line, you will be allowed to finish the event.

are buses allowed to drive through?

People movers and vans are allowed, but no buses please.

am i allowed to walk or ride a bicycle through this event?

For the safety of our actors and you, we will not be allowing pedestrians or bicycles to go through this event. 

may I take photos and videos of this event?

Absolutely! We would love to see your photos and videos, so please tag us if you post them on social media using the hashtag #ChristmasatTheVillage

other questions?

We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please fill out this form and you will be contacted soon! You may also choose to call the church office at: 910-678-7178.